
Mark Alliance: history

The Mark Alliance exists in an Star Wars alternate universe I made up. This universe remains largely the same as the normal one until the end of episode 6.

The only difference until episode 2 is that I exist. I am trained as a Sith after Darth Maul and before Count Dooku, but I run away when my master attempts to kill me. I join the Jedi for a short time, but they deem me to "independent" and kick me out. I hide until episode 2, when I implant a special virus into a shipfull of droids and go back into hiding again.

The droids are oblivious to the virus for it has no symptoms, so it silently spreads throughout the clone wars. When Palpatine ordered the droids shut down at the end of the clone wars, several ships stayed online and jumped to an RV point I had programmed into the virus. I picked up my army, and once more hid, this time deep in the Unknown Regions.

During the entire Galactic Civil War I built up my army into a version several times better than the original (using methods partially explained in The Industrial Exponent) and at the end of episode 6 I decided to join the fight against the disorganized but still inordinately powerful Empire.

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